Important World Currencies and Countries (Asked in Most Competitive Exams)
Check out Important World Currencies and Countries based on which questions are asked in most Competitive Exams.
1. Rupee : India, Nepal, Srilanka, Pakistan, Bhutan
2. Dollar : USA, Canada, Singapore, Ecuador,
Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago
3. Euro : France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium,
Cyprus, netherland, Portugal, Spain, Vatican city
4. Pound : UK, Egypt, Sudan
5. Rial: Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arab, Yemen, omen, Cambodia
6. Dinar : Algeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Tunisia
7. Peso : Phillipines, argentina, chile, cuba, mexico,uruguay
8. Franc : Cameroon, Switzerland
9. Ruble : Russia, belarus